mercoledì 17 febbraio 2016

5 Stress-Free Tips for Moving with Kids

The time has finally come! You found a new home to move into with your family and you're about to start the moving process. While you may be excited to get settled into your new home, there may be an obstacle standing in your way before you pack up: the kids! Moving with children is a VERY different experience than moving by yourself because you have to still parent and get everything packed. How will you manage? Before panic mode sets in, check out these five stress-free tips to make the move easier when children are involved!

 1. Tell Your Children

Moving can be an emotional journey for anyone and that's especially true with children. Prepare your kids by telling them about the move well in advance so you can help them cope with the news if they take it too hard. This will give them plenty of time to mentally prepare and it'll reduce the chances of them throwing a temper tantrum when moving day arrives (fingers crossed).

 2. Spread Out The Move

It goes without saying that moving in one day can be exhausting…and you can imagine how grueling it could be when grumpy toddlers are added into the mix. Instead of moving everything in one big swoop, try to spread out the move over a few days because you'll definitely save yourself from stress. Your little ones will need your care which means you have to make time for meals, naps, playtime, bathing and more. With a few buffer days, the kids will be content and you'll be able to balance parenting with packing.

 3. Give Them A Job

Depending on the age of your children, try to get them involved with the packing process. Give them a sense of responsibility with something as simple as putting some toys in a box. While you may have to re-arrange and re-pack the box later, it'll keep them occupied as you focus on everything else.

4. Pack While They Sleep

Whether you are putting them down for bed or a nap, take this opportunity to de-clutter some of their unneeded belongings. All those old blankets and toys they no longer use with can be donated or trashed but if they see you hauling it away, you can bet they will be upset. Instead, collect these items when they catch some Z's to avoid little meltdowns.

5. Emergency Box

Grab an empty box and write ‘emergency' on it because it'll be your saving grace! Fill this box with juice boxes, snacks, their favorite blanky and some toys. This lifesaver will come in handy when the kids need a quick fix and be sure it makes it into your car and not the moving truck. When the time comes for the Roseville movers to fill the truck, tell them the special box cannot be stowed away for added assurance. Another safeguard for the emergency box is to wrap the box with colored duct tape to make it easier to identify.

What other tips do you have for finding the right storage space? Call or contact us today at Mother Lode Van & Storage to discuss your needs!

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